Validity and Reliability Pdf Peer Review of Corrective Exercise Movement Assessment
More than 10 000 Americans seek medical treatment for sports, recreational activity, and exercise-related injuries on a daily basis.xx Researchers have estimated that l% to 80% of these injuries are overuse in nature and involve the lower extremity.1 , 11 , 25 In the military, physical grooming and practice-related injuries business relationship for 30% of hospitalizations and xl% to 60% of all outpatient visits, with ten to 12 injuries per 100 soldier-months.12 Although the risk of musculoskeletal atmospheric condition and injuries is multifactorial,seven , ix , ten , xv , 17 – 19 preliminary evidence suggests that neuromuscular and strength training programs may be beneficial for preventing the occurrence of these conditions.7 , 9 , 10 , xv , 17 – 19 Withal, tools that assess movement to assistance predict those at highest risk for musculoskeletal weather condition and injuries take been lacking for both able-bodied and military populations. The Functional Move Screen (FMS) is a relatively new tool that attempts to accost multiple movement factors, with the goal of predicting general risk of musculoskeletal atmospheric condition and injuries.three – 5 , 13 , 14 , 16
The FMS was designed to place functional movement deficits and asymmetries that may be predictive of full general musculoskeletal conditions and injuries, with an ultimate goal of existence able to modify the identified motility deficits through individualized practise prescription.3 , 4 The FMS consists of 7 fundamental movement component tests (FIGURE 1) that are scored on a scale of 0 to 3, with the sum creating a composite score ranging from 0 to 21 points.iii , 4 The 7 movement patterns that are assessed include the deep squat, in-line lunge, hurdle stride, shoulder mobility, agile directly leg raise, torso stability push-up, and quadruped rotary stability.
Preliminary inquiry by Kiesel et al14 suggests that National Football League (NFL) players (n = 46) who had a composite score less than or equal to 14 on the FMS had an odds ratio of 11.7 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.five, 54.5) and a positive likelihood ratio of 5.eight (95% CI: 2.0, 18.4) to sustain a time-loss injury. Although the specificity was relatively loftier (0.9; 95% CI: 0.viii, 1.0), the sensitivity was low (0.five; 95% CI: 0.iii, 0.7), indicating that FMS composite scores less than or equal to fourteen may propose higher injury risk but FMS composite scores greater than fourteen exercise not rule out future injury risk. In a separate study on a grouping of Marines, a composite score less than or equal to xiv on the FMS demonstrated limited ability to predict all future musculoskeletal injuries (traumatic or overuse), with a sensitivity of 0.45 and specificity of 0.71, while the aforementioned cutoff value was able to predict a serious injury (any injury that was severe enough to remove the participant from the grooming program) with a sensitivity of 0.12 and a specificity of 0.94.21 The FMS was likewise able to predict injury risk in female person collegiate athletes.two Finally, in some other study, firefighters with a previous history of injury demonstrated lower FMS composite scores.23 However, it is not articulate for which sports or professions the FMS is optimal in predicting injury risk, what types of musculoskeletal injuries are predicted past low FMS composite scores, and whether the original cutoff score of less than or equal to fourteen points on the FMS is valid in the different populations.
Additionally, researchers accept constitute that FMS blended scores increased in football players,thirteen firefighters,vi and service members8 following corrective exercises that addressed possible impairments associated with contradistinct motility patterns noted on the FMS component tests. In a group of Marines, 80% of those with a score less than or equal to 14 also demonstrated lower fitness scores on a standardized fettle examination compared to those who had an FMS composite score greater than xiv.21 Withal, Okada et al22 establish that FMS composite scores were non related to functioning or core stability measures amid healthy participants.
Interpretation of FMS scores is limited by the scant evidence16 regarding the FMS'southward psychometric properties and, in particular, the reliability of both composite and individual component scores. An initial study by Minick et al16 establish acceptable levels of interrater agreement on the FMS component scores amid novice and expert raters in a sample of active college-age participants (to include higher varsity athletes). However, this study had several limitations: (1) information technology did non assess test-retest reliability, (2) all raters assessed the aforementioned move blueprint via videotaped analysis, and (3) it but assessed understanding of individual FMS component scores and did non assess the overall FMS composite score, which is typically used as the primary indicator of injury risk. Traditionally, the FMS is assessed in real time, without the benefit of video playback. Variability of human motility across trials theoretically should be; therefore, examination-retest assay could lower the reported agreement values. Additionally, the FMS is often assessed in a group setting (eg, preseason concrete or preparticipation screening), requiring the use of multiple raters, who may or may non be the same raters to assess the movement at follow-up testing. Therefore, a more robust reliability written report is required to enhance the understanding of the psychometric properties of the FMS.
Although these initial FMS studies, which established the validity of the FMS for predicting musculoskeletal conditions and injuries and the response to preparation, are encouraging, their data are preliminary and not published in widely accessible journals. Exploring the psychometric properties of the FMS in a large active population would raise the generalizability of the previous findings beyond a limited subgroup of professional and collegiate athletes and students. The primary purpose of this study was to decide the intrarater (test-retest) and interrater reliability of the FMS component and composite scores in young, healthy service members, when tested by a counterbalance group of novice raters in real time. Specifically, agreement was assessed on the FMS component scores, whereas reliability, response stability, and error threshold measurements were obtained for the FMS composite scores. A secondary purpose of this study was to describe the FMS component and composite scores in this population.
The convenience sample included participants who were recruited over an eight-calendar week menstruum from service members in training at Fort Sam Houston, TX. Potential participants were provided a briefing about the study and were given the opportunity to volunteer. Participants were eligible for inclusion if they were between the ages of xviii and 35 years or emancipated minors (17-year-olds who are considered adults and allowed to join the armed services), fluent in English, and had no current or previous complaint of lower extremity pain, spine pain, or medical or neuromusculoskeletal disorders that limited participation in work or exercise in the final vi months. Participants were excluded if they were currently seeking medical intendance for lower extremity injuries or had previous medical history that included any surgery for lower extremity injuries. Participants were also excluded if they were unable to participate in concrete grooming due to other musculoskeletal injuries; had a history of fracture (stress or traumatic) in the femur, pelvis, tibia, fibula, talus, or calcaneus; or were known to exist pregnant.
Potential participants were provided an overview of the research study and specific details of the archway criteria. Afterward the presentation was completed, those who met the entrance criteria were asked to squat and so hop unilaterally on each leg in the group setting. Individuals who met the entrance criteria and did not have hurting on the squat and hop tests were informed about upcoming information collection dates. Those individuals who opted to volunteer returned the following week to sign informed consent forms and were enrolled in the written report. Within the military training surroundings, these procedures allowed potential participants the option to not return if they were non interested in volunteering in the study, and were designed to minimize any potential perception of coercion. All participants signed consent forms approved by the Brooke Army Medical Heart Institutional Review Board.
The novice examiners participating in this report consisted of 8 concrete therapy students enrolled in their second and 3rd semesters of a doctor of physical therapy training program prior to their 1-year clinical internship. Earlier testing, all examiners underwent 20 hours of FMS training led by four physical therapists and 1 research banana. Four physical therapy students were randomly assigned to the participants to appraise intrarater test-retest reliability by assessing the FMS on day 1 and mean solar day 2. The goal of randomly selecting a rater to perform the intrarater test-retest reliability was to increase the variability in the study design. Each rater used for the intrarater test-retest reliability measured betwixt 14 and xviii participants. In that location were no differences in outcomes beyond raters, so aggregate data were analyzed.
A 2d ready of 4 physical therapy students were randomly assigned to view the participants' movement simultaneously with the first ready of raters for the interrater reliability assessment on solar day 2. To minimize bias, raters were randomly assigned, raters for twenty-four hour period 2 were blinded to day 1 raters' measurements, pairs of raters on day 2 were blinded to each other'due south analysis and scoring, and 48 to 72 hours of time elapsed between intrarater test-retest reliability measurements. The goal of having a random set of 2 raters appraise each participant was to increase the variability in the study design to more closely mimic field conditions, which oft include mass screenings that utilize multiple raters.
The FMS is composed of 7 component tests used to appraise different fundamental move patterns.three – 5 Participants completed the component tests in a counterbalanced guild, including the deep squat, hurdle pace, in-line lunge, shoulder mobility, active straight leg enhance, body stability push button-upwardly, and quadruped rotary stability tests ( Effigy 1 ). Five of 7 component tests assess asymmetry past measuring the test bilaterally. If discrepancies exist between the left and right sides, asymmetry is noted for that component examination and the lower of the ii scores is included in the FMS blended score. In addition to the 7 component tests, the FMS includes 3 clearing tests that assess for pain: shoulder internal rotation and abduction with the hand placed on the opposite shoulder, lumbar extension performed in the prone press-up position, and end-range lumbar flexion in quadruped. Pain on a clearing test resulted in a score of 0 for the shoulder mobility, trunk stability push-upwards, or rotary stability exam, respectively. Participants performed all tests without a preparticipation warm-up.
Each component test was scored on an ordinal scale (0 to 3 points), based on the quality of movement, with three being the maximum score.3 – v A score of 2 indicated that the participant required some type of compensation or was unable to complete the entire movement. A score of 1 was given if the individual was unable to remain in the motility position throughout the motility, lost residual during the examination, or did non run across the minimum criteria to score a 2. Pain during any of the FMS component tests or during whatever of the clearing tests indicated a score of 0. All participants were allowed to perform each component examination up to 3 times, and the maximal score achieved was recorded. The scores of the component tests were summed, resulting in a blended score from 0 to 21 points, with 21 beingness the maximum blended score. Additional details on scoring of each of the component tests and the composite score are provided elsewherethree – 5 and in the APPENDIX.
Statistical Assay
Descriptive statistics and frequency counts were calculated. Agreement of the component tests was analyzed with a weighted kappa statistic. The weighted kappa scores were every bit follows: fourscore% and higher, excellent agreement; from 60% to 79.9%, substantial levels of agreement; from twoscore% to 59.nine%, moderate agreement; and below twoscore%, poor to fair agreement.24 Reliability of the blended test scores was analyzed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). ICC values of 0.75 and above represent good reliability, those between 0.50 and 0.74 represent moderate reliability, and those beneath 0.50 indicate poor reliability.24 Intrarater exam-retest reliability was assessed using an ICC3,1 model, while interrater reliability was assessed using an ICCii,1 model. Response stability of the intrarater and interrater reliability of the composite scores was calculated using the standard error of the measurement (SEM) at the 95% level of confidence. The minimal detectable change (MDC95) values at the 95% level of confidence were calculated to make up one's mind error thresholds. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS Version 17.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL).
Sixty-four participants (53 males, eleven females) met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and completed the study (TABLE 1). The mean ± SD age of the participants was 25.2 ± 3.8 years and their body mass index was 25.1 ± 3.1 kg/m2. Overall, the participants included routine exercisers who endorsed a statement that they exercised a minimum of four days per calendar week (n = 54, 78.2%). Although the participants were attending training for their military machine occupation, the majority of the participants were routine exercisers for more than 3 years. Specifically, 29 (45.3%) participants reported performing routine exercise for more than 5 years, 21 (32.8%) for 3 to v years, 9 ( for 1 to three years, and five (vii.viii%) for less than ane year. Descriptive statistics on FMS performance are provided in Tabular array 2. None of the participants had hurting on the iii FMS clearing tests. Interrater reliability was calculated on 63 participants, based on an disease of 1 of the raters on day 2 of testing. Only 15.six% (northward = 10) of the participants were identified to exist at risk for injury, based on an FMS blended score of less than or equal to 14 points.
Type | Mean ± SD | 95% CI |
Age, y | 25.2 ± 3.8 | 24.3, 26.2 |
Peak, cm | 175.5 ± nine.6 | 173.1, 177.9 |
Weight, kg | 77.5 ± 12.five | 74.four, eighty.7 |
Body mass index, kg/mtwo | ± | 24.3, 25.nine |
FMS Component Score | |||||
Test | 0 | 1 | 2 | iii | Mean ± SD |
Torso stability push-up | 0 | vii | 29 | 27 | two.3 ± |
Quadruped rotary stability | 0 | three | 56 | five | 2.0 ± 0.3 |
Shoulder mobility | 0 | 2 | xix | 43 | 2.6 ± 0.half-dozen |
Active straight leg raise | 0 | i | 36 | 27 | 2.iv ± 0.v |
Deep squat | 0 | three | 42 | 19 | ii.3 ± 0.v |
Hurdle step | 0 | 1 | 51 | 12 | 2.ii ± 0.iv |
In-line lunge | 0 | 1 | 29 | 33 | ii.v ± 0.five |
Understanding of the seven component tests of the FMS (scored 0 to iii) demonstrated moderate to excellent interrater agreement (Table 3). Specifically, the novice raters demonstrated excellent interrater understanding on the body stability button-upward; substantial interrater agreement on the quadruped rotary stability, deep squat, agile straight leg raise, hurdle step, and shoulder mobility component tests; and moderate interrater understanding on the in-line lunge. Intrarater (test-retest) understanding scores at 48 to 72 hours demonstrated substantial agreement on the torso stability push-up, shoulder mobility, active straight leg raise, deep squat, and in-line lunge component tests; moderate agreement on the hurdle step; and poor agreement on the quadruped rotary stability component exam.
Type/Test | Per centum Understanding | κw | 95% CI |
Interrater | |||
Torso stability button-up | 78 | 0.82 | 0.73, 0.90 |
Quadruped rotary stability | 92 | 0.77 | 0.57, 0.96 |
Shoulder mobility | 86 | 0.73 | 0.57, 0.89 |
Active straight leg heighten | 84 | 0.69 | 0.51, 0.87 |
Deep squat | 83 | 0.68 | 0.51, 0.85 |
Hurdle stride | 88 | 0.67 | 0.45, 0.88 |
In-line lunge | 68 | 0.45 | 0.25, 0.65 |
Intrarater | |||
Trunk stability push-up | 68 | 0.68 | 0.55, 0.81 |
Quadruped rotary stability | 83 | 0.29 | 0.05, 0.50 |
Shoulder mobility | 81 | 0.68 | 0.53, 0.80 |
Active directly leg raise | 80 | 0.threescore | 0.42, 0.74 |
Deep squat | 88 | 0.76 | 0.63, 0.85 |
Hurdle step | 86 | 0.59 | 0.42, 0.73 |
In-line lunge | 83 | 0.69 | 0.48, 0.77 |
The interrater reliability (same solar day) of the FMS composite score (scored 0-21) resulted in an ICC2,one of 0.76 (95% CI: 0.63, 0.85) and was considered good (TABLE 4). The SEM for interrater reliability of the blended test was 0.92 points, and the MDC95 was 2.54 points on the 21-point scale. Visual representation of the FMS composite scores between raters is provided in Effigy 2. The intrarater reliability (test-retest at 48 to 72 hours) of the FMS composite scores resulted in an ICC3,1 of 0.74 (95% CI: 0.60, 0.83) and was considered to exist moderate (Table 4). Visual representation of the intrarater examination-retest FMS blended scores is provided in FIGURE 3 . The SEM for intrarater test-retest reliability was 0.98 points and the MDC95 was 2.07 points.
Type | ICC | 95% CI | SEM | MDC95 |
Interrater | 0.76 | 0.63, 0.85 | 0.92 | 2.54 |
Intrarater (exam-retest) | 0.74 | 0.sixty, 0.83 | 0.98 | two.07 |
The FMS has an adequate level of reliability when assessed in healthy service members by novice raters. The interrater understanding of the FMS component scores ranged from moderate to excellent, with 6 of the 7 tests categorized as having substantial understanding (κ w≥60%). The intrarater and interrater bespeak estimates of the FMS composite score reliability ranged from 0.74 to 0.76, with the 95% CIs suggestive of moderate to expert reliability. The SEMs for both interrater and intrarater reliability were less than one point, while the MDC95 ranged from two.i to two.5 points on the 21-point scale. The SEM and MDC values were similar for both intrarater reliability that repeated the assessment of the movement patterns over a 48-to-72-hour period and interrater reliability that had 2 raters appraise the same motility pattern simultaneously. Therefore, one can expect the error of measurement to be inside 1 indicate across raters and across fourth dimension, while a minimum improvement between ii and three points on the 21-point calibration would be required to demonstrate a real change over time.
These results are consistent with a prior publication on FMS reliability. Minick et al16 reported substantial to excellent interrater agreement on individual FMS component scores when using 2 novice and two expert raters assessing videotape performance of active college-age students and varsity athletes. Calculation to the literature, our written report provides detailed data on the intrarater and interrater reliability of both FMS component and blended scores by randomly assigned novice raters. Specifically, our study utilized 8 entry-level physical therapy students as raters to collect information prior to their clinical internship. Additionally, these raters measured all movements in real time, without the benefit of being able to replay a videotape (the methodology used by Minick et al16). The increased number of raters and real-time analysis of movement in multiple participants in our study mimic a preparticipation screening surround, thus enhance the generalizability of the results. Further research is needed to assess the stability of the FMS scores over longer periods. Ultimately, the reliability of this group of novice raters was comparable to previously published research and provides further support for the FMS as a reliable tool to screen in a relatively various, noncollegiate just physically active population.xvi
Only 15.half dozen% (due north = 10) of the participants in this study had an FMS blended score less than or equal to 14 points. Although this may not seem surprising, given that the participants were relatively healthy, it supports the suggestion past Melt et al3 , 4 that FMS scores can place contradistinct movement patterns in by and large healthy and pain-costless participants. Our results are similar to those published by O'Connor et al,21 who found that 10% of the 874 Marine officer candidates scored less than or equal to xiv points on the FMS. If the initial inquiry that identified the cutoff value were validated, it would advise that the FMS would be capable of identifying a subset of individuals at increased risk for time-loss injury within a population of young, good for you service members. Based on the use of the FMS for mass screenings (eg, preseason or almanac physical examinations), an injury prediction screening that could identify only 15.half-dozen% of the population as having a loftier injury risk would allow the associated medical staff to prioritize the allocation of express resource toward the development of individualized injury prevention interventions (eg, corrective exercise prescriptions) for this group. However, the validity of the xiv-betoken cutoff score for this sample cannot be verified in this study, because longitudinal follow-upward was not performed to assess actual injury rates. Based on the SEM of i point and the MDC95 value betwixt 2.ane and two.v points, it would be more conservative to use a cutoff score of fifteen (based on SEM) or 16 to 17 (based on MDC95) to determine those who may benefit from corrective exercise prescription to help mitigate injury adventure, until the validity of the 14-point cutoff value can be determined.
1 of the limitations noted in the FMS component tests was a brake in the range of scores. Specifically, based on our inclusion/exclusion criteria, no participants scored a 0 on whatsoever of the FMS component tests, and simply 18 of the 446 scored move patterns resulted in a score of 1; the remaining movement patterns either received a score of 2 or 3. This brake in range might have reduced the reliability estimates of the FMS component scores. For case, the in-line lunge was determined to accept a weighted kappa of 0.45; for this test, no movements were scored as a 0 or i. Additionally, only eleven of the 63 paired ratings had a disagreement, with 25 agreements for a score of 2 and 27 agreements for a score of three. Compared to the other FMS component scores, the in-line lunge and the quadruped rotary stability had the biggest discrepancy between the percent agreement (68% and 83%, respectively) and weighted kappa (0.45 and 0.29, respectively). Interestingly, the everyman levels of agreement between novice raters for both our written report and Minick et al16 involved the in-line lunge and quadruped rotary stability tests. Difficulty in performing the quadruped rotary stability test (only 5 of the 64 participants obtained a score of three on twenty-four hour period one) also limited variability and potentially intrarater agreement of this measure. Although the restricted range might have influenced statistical calculations, it is important to point out that rater experience and lack of clearly divers scoring criteria, especially mid-range performance, may have also influenced results for these select measures. Future research should determine whether better criteria may help to differentiate levels of operation on the quadruped rotary stability examination or to determine the influence of removing the quadruped rotary stability test on the predictive validity of the FMS composite score.
Future written report designs should appraise the reliability of the FMS using novice raters and participants with varying activity levels and sport-specific requirements. Additional longitudinal studies are also required to found the predictive validity and optimal cut score for various populations. This level of critical investigation would assist to enhance the external validity of the FMS and to substantiate its employ in the full general clinical population, as well as in specific sports settings. Future research should also make up one's mind whether there is a ceiling upshot in the ability of the FMS to detect change over fourth dimension. Based on the MDC95 of 2.1 to ii.5 points, positive alter may not be able to be noted for individuals who score greater than 18 points at baseline testing. Different scoring criteria or cutoff values may exist needed to better differentiate high-end operation on the FMS.
Among novice raters, the FMS composite score demonstrated moderate to good interrater and intrarater reliability, and adequate levels of measurement fault. The measures of reliability and measurement error were similar for both intrarater reliability that repeated the assessment of the movement patterns over a 48-to-72-hour period and interrater reliability that had 2 raters appraise the same move pattern simultaneously. The interrater agreement of the FMS component scores was good to first-class for the push-up, quadruped, shoulder mobility, straight leg raise, squat, hurdle, and lunge. Only 15.half-dozen% (northward = ten) of the participants were identified as being at hazard for injury based on previously published cutoff values.
Key Points
When using novice raters, the FMS composite scores had moderate to skilful reliability (ICC = 0.74 and 0.76; SEM, ane.0 points; MDC95, 2.1 and ii.5 points) and the FMS component scores ranged from moderate to excellent agreement (κ due west = 0.29-0.82).
The FMS has adequate reliability when assessed in young, good for you service members past novice raters over a 48-to-72-60 minutes menses.
Reliability data must be interpreted within the context of the sample tested and the methods used (ie, time between testing for test-retest reliability estimates).
This study was done in collaboration with research assistants from the University of Texas Health Science Centre, Concrete Therapy Department, San Antonio, TX: Mark Bauernfeind, Francis Bisagni, Jordan Boldt, Cindy Boyer, Cara Dobbertin, Steve Elliot, Angela Gass, Germaine Herman, Lacey Jung, Jake Mitchess, Teddy Ortiz, Kelly Rabon, Jason Smith, Megan Swint, Joshua Trock, and Jerry Yeung. Additional enquiry assistants from US Ground forces-Baylor University, Section of Physical Therapy, The states Army Medical Section Middle and School, San Antonio, TX: Offset Lieutenant Moshe Greenberg, Captain Sarah Hill, First Lieutenant Crystal Straseske, First Lieutenant Sarah Villena, First Lieutenant Christina Yost, Outset Lieutenant Kristen Zosel, First Lieutenant Rick Warren, and Get-go Lieutenant Sam Forest. Illustrations for the APPENDIX were provided by Elizabeth Holder.
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Appendix Functional Movement Screen
Score | Criteria | Illustration |
Deep Squat | ||
| ||
three |
| |
2 | Performed with heels on two × 6-in lath
| |
1 | Performed with heels on 2 × 6-in lath
| |
0 |
| |
| ||
Hurdle Footstep (examination both correct and left sides)* | ||
| ||
3 |
| |
2 |
| |
1 |
| |
0 |
| |
| ||
In-line Lunge (exam both right and left sides)* | ||
| ||
iii |
| |
2 |
| |
1 |
| |
0 |
| |
| ||
Active Straight Leg Enhance (test both right and left sides)* | ||
| ||
3 |
| |
2 |
| |
1 |
| |
0 |
| |
| ||
Shoulder Mobility (exam both right and left sides)* | ||
| ||
three |
| |
two |
| |
one |
| |
0 |
| |
Shoulder mobility immigration test: if pain is noted every bit elbow is lifted, shoulder mobility is scored equally 0 | ||
| ||
Trunk Stability Push-upward | ||
| ||
3 |
| |
2 |
| |
i |
| |
0 |
| |
Extension clearing test: if hurting is noted during a decumbent press-up, button-upward is scored every bit 0 | ||
| ||
Quadruped Rotary Stability (examination both right and left sides)* | ||
| ||
3 |
| |
2 |
| |
1 |
| |
0 |
| |
Flexion immigration test: if pain is noted during quadruped flexion, rotary stability is scored every bit 0 |
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